Lugar de interés

Palacio An Dinh

Recomendado por 11 habitantes del lugar,

Consejos de habitantes de la zona

Thanh Lich
September 7, 2018
An Dinh Palace Located by the bank of An Cuu canal, An Dinh palace used to be the private residence of Nguyen Phuc Buu Dao (later the king Khai Dinh). This construction was renovated in modern style between 1917-1919 and officially became the residence of the crown-prince Vinh Thuy (later Bao Dai king).

Actividades únicas en la zona

Come como los vietnamitas con un lugareño
Ruta a pie por la ciudad imperial de Hue
Recorrido gastronómico en scooter por la ciudad de Hue

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179 Phan Đình Phùng
Thành phố Huế, Thừa Thiên Huế